CAOA Program
Since 2008, Career Analysis has empowered over 100,000 students to become financially independent, go to college debt free, receive hands-on experience in a career field and find a career pathway that they are passionate about. By using new and innovative curricula, hands-on activities that align with state educational standards and collaborative partnerships for in person experiences that foster the implementation of life skills and career exploration allows Career Analysis students success in a competitive global workforce.
The Career Analysis Program incorporates three enrichment aspects, money management, business etiquette & ethics, and career exploration. The program entails 18 sessions.
Money Management: Will empower your student to develop critical,life-long skills in Personal Finance. This session is a must for young students rooted in a social climate of debt and financial uncertainty. If your student is frivolous with money or thinks you have an unlimited supply than this is a class for your student. They will learn to remain debt free for life and accumulate wealth. Just a few of the highlights will include:
Saving and Investing
Impact of student loan debt
Credit and Debt
Financial Responsibility and Money Management
Professional Etiquette & Workplace Ethics: Will give students the invaluable professionalism skills needed to succeed in any career. Is your student respectful, well rounded, mannered? As today’s workforce becomes increasingly more competitive, young students must learn behaviors that will be expected of them in the adult, business world. Just a few areas covered are:
Understanding Business Etiquette and Professionalism
Business luncheon/dinner etiquette
Email and telephone etiquette
Dressing for Success and Interviewing
Career Exploration: Career Exploration is a unique road map to assist students with making decisions that will ultimately impact the rest of their lives. Your student will have a chance to learn, explore and visit different career options and if they are in grades 10-12 they will have a 1 semester internship opportunity. Based on individual results your student will know or have a better idea of their chosen profession.
Internships are available in these industries: